In the world of digital art, the amount of attention NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens) are getting is skyrocketing in the past year. The concept of selling digital art is nothing new, but with the introduction of blockchain, it has become much more secure.
Recently, Jack Dorsey, the founder of Twitter, made headlines when he sold his first tweet ever as an NFT for over $2.9 million.
Let’s discuss what this means for the world of NFTs.
What is an NFT?
Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) are digital assets with unique cryptographic codes enabling ownership and transfer. They’re not interchangeable like, for example, traditional Bitcoin or Ethereum cryptocurrencies. This explains why musician Jack Dorsey put the first-ever tweet on the blockchain in late March, the “verified badge” next to it made it a non-fungible token (NFT). As a result, the same original tweet could be shared multiple times but no other copy could look the same as Dorsey’s original.
NFTs are stored on a distributed ledger system. Every NFT is tracked in its specific ledger, making it easier for buyers and sellers to identify their digital property rights than ever before. The most commonly traded NFTs include collectibles such as art, music, videos, sports games cards and streaming media like TikTok videos.
The use of blockchain technology enables these assets to be authenticated and digitally secured by this public system of record keeping on a decentralized platform without relying on any third party verification process such as banks or payment merchants. As long as transactions can be completed using smart contracts through decentralized applications, middleman services and transaction costs can be eliminated making NFTs quicker to transact with than traditional systems.
Lastly due to immutability towards counterfeiting instances with these blockchain based tokens it makes each unique NFT quite valuable given those characteristics associated with them can’t be replicated easily or brought up by someone else using an traditional financial currency similar to Bitcoin or Ethereum before redemption codes are created issued by cryptocurrency exchanges or banks might differ.
What is the significance of Jack Dorsey’s tweet?
On March 5, 2021, Twitter’s co-founder Jack Dorsey tweeted that it would soon become an NFT (non-fungible token). With this announcement, he started a new digital media trend: tweet collectibles. This blog aims to explore the significance of Dorsey’s tweet in both the crypto and social media world by comparing its reach and impact to other items that have been bought as NFTs before.
NFTs are digital art or music backed by blockchain technology, making them unique, indivisible, and verifiable. They often come with ownership rights and provide content creators with a secure way to collect proof of their digital creations. This technology provides immutable proof of ownership for digital artwork so that it can never be replicated or duplicated without the owner’s permission.
Jack Dorsey’s tweet was not just any post; it was his first ever Tweet from 2006 stating “just setting up my twttr” – making the piece an iconic moment in tech history and the start of something new on a larger scale. With this novelty, collectors saw an opportunity in owning such a historical item. As such, the tweet was eventually auctioned off for two million dollars – showing how much value has been put behind it due to its historic relevancy over time.
The unique proposition offered by Dorsey’s auction showed us how much range NFTs had compared to other items sold before him. From Beeple’s “5000 days project” selling at 69 million dollars to NBA Top Shots trading millions of dollars worth per week, Twitter revolutionized our view on tradable assets on several levels – with its scope reaching far beyond cryptocurrency and other financial investments, showing just how powerful social media has become in influencing our lives today.

Jack Dorsey sells his first tweet ever as an NFT for over $2.9 million
Jack Dorsey, the CEO of Twitter, recently made history by selling his first tweet as an NFT (non-fungible token) for over $2.9 million! This auction excited the world and sparked a huge interest in NFTs.
This article will provide an overview of the auction and its implications.
Who bought the tweet?
On March 22, 2021, Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey announced via tweet that he was auctioning off his first-ever tweet as a Non Fungible Token (NFT). The winning bidder was Sina Estavi, the CEO of Bridge Oracle. Estavi successfully submitted a bid of $2.9 million for the NFT – a record high price point in the NFT space.
The auction took place on Valuables by Cent platform, which allows users to turn their tweets – or “valuables” – into digital collectibles that others can purchase and own forever. According to estimates from NFT Marketplaces OpenSea, Dorsey’s tweet has become one of the top 10 most valuable tweets ever sold as an NFT.
The proceeds for this successful sale will be split between Dorsey and charity. Half of the amount will go to Give Directlys Africa Response — a charitable initiative aiming at helping vulnerable populations in East Africa affected by COVID-19. The other half will be reinvested into developing open source contributions towards decentralization, privacy and internet standards like Bitcoin and Bluesky efforts led by Square (Dorsey’s payment company). In addition, Dorsey has committed to convert up to 1 billion dollars worth of non-Bitcoin/Crypto assets into Bitcoin over time as part of #startsmall effort on Twitter itself.
How much was it sold for?
On March 22, 2021, the Twitter post by Jack Dorsey, Co-founder and CEO of, was turned into an NFT and sold via live auction for a staggering USD 2.9 million purchase price. The buyer was a well-known crypto enthusiast named Sina Estavi. Estavi is the CEO of Bridge Oracle, a blockchain-based data provider for smart contracts. Estavi paid about 3,819ETH, worth around USD 2.9M, to become the proud owner of the original tweet from Dorsey that read: “just setting up my twttr”.
The 13 minutes long auction started at 7 A.M EST and ended with Sina’s bid at 8 A.M EST on March 22, 2021 on Valuables by Cent platform. This sale made Twitter Post the most expensive NFT ever sold in history surpassing Beeple’s Everydays:The First 5000 Days piece which sold for $69 million earlier in March 2021 at Christie’s auction house in New York City.
What was the bidding process like?
The bidding process was conducted on Twitter and the popular digital asset marketplace, Nifty Gateway. The auction began on the evening of March 11 with an opening bid of $2.50. As bids were received through Twitter, they were reposted publicly on Dorsey’s timeline every 45 minutes. To ensure that none of the other bidders saw each other’s offers, duplicate offers were not shown until after the closed auction.
At 11:54PM EST on March 16th, the original tweet had reached a total bid price of nearly 3 million dollars for the ownership rights of the tweet itself and any future use allowed by Jack Dorsey regarding this piece of digital art. The winner was Trinayan Satpathy from San Francisco who outbid many other serious contenders including Justin Sun from Tron, Elon Musk from Tesla, and Plankton from iOS app “Jelly Fish” Sandbox game.
It’s still unclear what Satpathy plans to do with his newly acquired property, but it will be a moment for all NFT admirers to remember!
Analysis of the Impact of the Sale
On March 5th, 2021, Twitter’s CEO Jack Dorsey auctioned off his first tweet ever as an NFT (non-fungible token) for over $2.9 million. This event has sent ripples throughout the tech industry, with some praising Dorsey’s ingenuity and others expressing skepticism.
This article will analyze the impact of this unprecedented event and its implications for the future.
How does this sale impact the NFT market?
The recent sale of Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey’s first tweet as an NFT has significantly impacted the NFT marketplace. The sale of this single tweet, for more than $2.9 million, has caused a surge in the price of other non-fungible tokens (NFTs). These digital assets are unique due to their cryptographic verification and irrevocability, fostering true digital scarcity in online art markets.
Furthermore, the sale of this single tweet demonstrates that more than just art can be secured within the blockchain, including textual messages and tweets.
This market-moving event has opened up new opportunities for creators and investors by providing additional ways to monetize digital assets using the NFT market. However, it is important to remember that it is still an emerging market with limited history and regulations, creating significant risks for those who invest in this space. Nevertheless, thus far it appears that the Dorsey tweet sale could spark further growth in the NFT market if other notable figures or projects follow suit by issuing their own NFTs.
What does this mean for the future of NFTs?
The sale of Jack Dorsey’s tweet as an NFT has caught the public and media’s attention, making it an unlikely spokesperson for the emerging non-fungible token (NFT) market. However, the sale has had a huge impact on the NFT industry, causing many people to become interested in this space.
In a poll conducted by Decrypt, 70% of respondents said they had heard of NFTs because of Dorsey’s tweet. This highlights Dorsey’s powerful and influential move in bringing attention to the still-growing industry. It is estimated that the sale could potentially lead to hundreds of millions of dollars being invested into the NFT industry.
This event opens up several possibilities for what could occur with either this technology or its equivalent. However, one thing that is certain is that more attention will be given to its use cases and potential benefits going forward. The value proposition offered by these tokens provides several advantages over traditional ownership mediums, and they will likely continue to increase in popularity among investors and creative professionals in years to come.
It can also be predicted that more individuals or organizations may consider tokenizing their content or products as part of their marketing strategy; this practice may help them connect with new audiences and generate increased levels of visibility as Dorsey was capable with his latest tweet’s sale as an NFT. All these factors will generate long term economic value for companies engaging with this new technology which has proven itself already with one prominent example setting a standard for others to follow quickly, thus expanding its background information further from obscurity into mainstream focus.
Jack Dorsey’s tweet sold as an NFT for over $2.9 million can be seen as one of the most remarkable moments in the world of NFTs. It highlighted the potential of NFTs to revolutionize the digital art space and how people interact with digital assets.
This article explored the implications of this groundbreaking event and its implications on the world of digital art and the wider NFT industry.